30+ Best VLSI Project Ideas for Final Year Engineering Students

Here is the list of the top 30 Best VLSI-Based Project Ideas for Engineering Students brought to you by Listyaan. VLSI Project Ideas for B-Tech, M-Tech & Ph.D. students.

The creation of various kinds of digital systems that may be implemented on a PLD device like an FPGA or a CPLD is what projects in VLSI-based system design include. The initiatives in VLSI design are those that deal with semiconductor design. 

  • Bluetooth-Based Wireless Home Automation System:

With the help of a central Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) controller, which is interfaced with the devices and sensors, this project suggests a potential solution in which the user may control gadgets.

Through a mobile phone’s Bluetooth interface, control is sent to the FPGA. As a consequence, the system is easy to use, affordable, and adaptable, making it an excellent contender for future smart home solutions.

  • FPGA-Based Robotic ARM Controller:

A robotic arm is a form of mechanical arm that is often programmable and may be used in a variety of industrial settings to pick up and move different things from one location to another. It could be the entirety of the mechanism or a component of a more sophisticated robot.

Through articulated joints that provide rotational movement, the components of these manipulators or arms are joined together. Spartan3an Project Kit and Robotic ARM Kit are used to implement the FPGA-based project.

  • Cloud-based temperature Monitoring system using IOT:

One application where the temperature needs to be kept at its lowest is in the preservation of food. We can track the temperature of the food preservation system using an IOT-based temperature monitoring system, and we can regularly update the data in the cloud.

Wi-Fi Module, IOT Cloud server, and Spartan 3an FPGA Starter Kit may all be used to build this IOT system.

  • Multi-Channel UART using FPGA:

The project demonstrates the structure of the controller used in the Spartan 3an FPGA Project kit as well as the design process for an asynchronous FIFO. This controller is built using FIFO and UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) circuit blocks within FPGA to rapidly and efficiently implement communication in contemporary complicated control systems.

The communication sequence diagrams make it clear that this controller may be used to implement communication even when the baud rates of the slave and master devices are different. In a system with several subsystems, it may also be utilized to lessen synchronization errors. The controller is scalable and adaptable.

  • Linear and Morphological Image Filtering using FPGA Image Processing Kit:

The FPGA’s distinctive architecture has made it possible to apply the technology in a wide range of applications that include all facets of video image processing. These methods include non-linear 2D morphological filters and linear filtering based on a 2D convolution, which together form a fundamental set of picture operations for a variety of applications.

This work presents a Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing Kit-based implementation of linear and morphological image filtering for instructional purposes. A personal computer’s serial port is where the system is attached, creating a robust and reasonably priced design station.

  • FPGA Implementation of Distance Measurement using Ultrasonic Sensor:

The primary goal of the project is to determine the distance of the obstruction in front of any automation system. To measure the trigger input and display the echo output result, a Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing Kit is employed.

  • FPGA Implementation of Booth Multiplier using Spartan6 FPGA project Board:

By a factor of 2, the improved booth encoder will cut down on the production of incomplete items. Systems for digital signal processing must have fast multipliers. Both general-purpose processors and digital signal processing place a premium on multiple operation speeds.

The multiplicand is the amount to be added, the multiplier is the number of additions, and the product is the outcome. Each additional step results in a partial product.

  • Lifting-based Discrete Wavelet Transform using Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing Kit:

This project uses the Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing Kit to develop the algorithms for a lifting-based Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). The lifting-based scheme’s fundamental idea is to break down the wavelet transform’s finite impulse response (FIR) filters into a limited series of straightforward filtering stages.

Implementations of the lifting-based DWT, which have several benefits, have recently been suggested for the JPEG2000 standard for image compression.

  • Tetrix Game Implementation using Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing kit:

When a dish antenna picks up a signal from the space station, this project conducts obstacle avoidance in the air. This project’s goal is to detect interference and adjust the direction of the reception so that satellite signals can be constantly received.

The Spartan 3an FPGA Starter Kit, Spartan 3an interfacing card with stepper motor interface, and Ultrasonic Sensor were used to carry out the project.

  • TIC TAC TOE game using Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing kit:

The Tic-Tac-Toe game was implemented using this VHDL design using the Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing package. Creating the circuits and wiring on the experiment board comes first. Second, creating the algorithm and writing the VHDL code.

Third, synthesis with the Xilinx Synthesis tool, followed by implementation in the Xilinx ISE development environment. To execute it, download it to an FPGA. Tic-Tac-Toe may be played by two players on the experiment board thanks to this design. The user uses the keyboard to control the game.

  • Implementation of Medical Image Fusion using Spartan 3 FPGA:

To analyze medical photos and detect various ailments, this project uses an image fusion approach based on FPGA. Computed Tomography (CT) offers the finest information on denser tissue with less distortion for medical diagnosis. Better and more distorted soft tissue information is available with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

  • BPSK Implementation on Xilinx System Generator using Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing Kit:

It is discussed how to create a digital binary-phase-shift-keying (BPSK) modulator and detector. The project describes the modeling of the complete system as well as the design of the various components, such as the multiplexer, FIR low pass filter, and comparator.

The complete system was developed utilizing a Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing Kit and the Simulink program and block set for Matlab. It demonstrated how the modulation blocks were simulated.

  • VGA-Based Bouncing Ball interface using Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing Kit:

The efficient hardware architecture for VGA monitor controllers based on the Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing Kit is designed and implemented in this project. The design uses VHDL Code to implement the bouncing ball in the VGA display.

The suggested design is suited for a variety of FPGA devices due to its ability to provide numerous display resolutions (up to WXGA 1280 800) and a programmable internal FIFO. The output of the display creates a bouncing ball of various colors making touch with each of the monitor’s four sides.

  • FPGA-based Median Filter Implementation using Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing Kit:

The elimination of impulse-based noise from the pictures using the median filter is efficient. This study proposes an efficient architecture for Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing Kit filter implementation.

The operating principle of the filter is based on a 33-sliding window technique. Softcore processors are used for partial implementation.

  • FPGA-Based Sobal Edge Detection using Spartan3 FPGA Project Kit:

In this project, a type of parallel processing Sobel edge detection enhancement algorithm construction is provided, which can swiftly obtain the result for one pixel in just one clock cycle. The program can successfully process 1281288 Gray Scale Images thanks to an FPGA chip named XC3S200- 4tq144 that was used in its creation.

Due to its ability to maintain high noise levels with less degradation, the Sobel operator is preferred. The design can rapidly and effectively identify the edge of the grey picture. The experiment is run on an FPGA board and in MATLAB.

  • FPGA Implementation of Keyboard Learner using Spartan3 FPGA Image processing kit:

The KBL project’s main goal is to give users a simple, straightforward approach to learning, practicing, and advancing their keyboard-related typing skills.

A simple application with a few choices for adjusting the user experience and no extraneous artwork is the suggested approach for achieving this goal. The result of utilizing this approach is that users will ultimately stop staring at the keys and begin typing more quickly and accurately.

  • Generating PWM Signals With Variable Duty Cycle using FPGA:

The production of PWM signals for varying duty cycles using VHDL is described in this project. As a voltage controller, pulse width modulation is used in several applications. In the majority of applications, it is used to adjust the inverter output voltage.

The voltage of PWM is changeable while the frequency is constant. Changes in voltage from 0 to 5 volts. The use of this technique to provide high-frequency variable duty cycle PWM output is a benefit. Xilinx ISE is used to create the VHDL code and write it. The code is downloaded into the Spartan 6 FPGA to verify the results.

  • Implementation of Digital Clock using Spartan3an FPGA Evaluation Kit:

In this study, an XC3S50an-based Spartan3an FPGA-based digital clock is built, and the software for it is created in VHDL. These days, the market is flooded with many kinds of digital clocks and modules, but this one stands out at least in terms of accuracy.

The clock is the sole characteristic that can be controlled in an FPGA. The circuit for a 50 Hz clock frequency serves as the source of the input frequency. A 216 LCD is used to display the time.

  • FPGA Implementation of PIR-Based Security alert System using Spartan 3an FPGA Starter Kit:

When the alarm panel receives the breach indicator, it triggers an alert condition. PIR motion detectors are frequently used in conjunction with indoor or outdoor lights to switch on a light in response to a human moving in the field of vision monitored by the motion detector when a person or motor vehicle enters a monitored area.

When the owner is at a remote location, they get messages from the host section through SMS, log into the host section computer using a GPRS and WAP-enabled mobile, and can access all of the host section’s information and photographs on their mobile phone.

  • FPGA Implementation of AES Algorithm using Spartan6 FPGA Project Kit:

Nearly all essential communication systems nowadays require secure data transfer to protect the confidentiality of the given message. FPGA hardware implementation offers a more expedient and adaptable alternative.

For synthesizing logic design, I employ the Very High-Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Decryption Language (VHDL). The current project makes use of the Spartan6 FPGA Project Kit, a platform for developing integrated circuits based on the Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA.

  • FPGA Based Wireless Temperature Monitoring system using Spartan3an Starter Kit:

This project uses a Spartan3an FPGA Starter kit to construct a temperature monitoring system for agricultural fields. Temperature and humidity are the most crucial variables for the quality and productivity of plant development.

The producer may better understand how each environmental variable impacts growth and how to manage maximum crop productivity with the help of continuous monitoring of various environmental factors.

The system itself was often straightforward and lacked options for local heating, lighting, ventilation, or other activities that would have an impact on the greenhouse’s internal environment.

  • 3D Lifting based Discrete Wavelet Transform:

This project’s primary goal is to assist with picture coding so that high-quality photographs may be created without sacrificing any information.

This method uses a lifting filter-based 3D discrete wavelet transform VLSI architecture to accomplish the objective. 

  • Design of High-Speed Hardware Efficient 4-Bit SFQ Multiplier:

The goal of this project is to put into practice a modified booth encoder that performs better than a traditional booth encoder by employing a 4-bit SFQ multiplier. Applications requiring a crucial delay can leverage this.

  • An Area-Efficient Universal Cryptography Processor for Smart Cards:

Three cryptography methods that handle both private and public keys are implemented in this project for use with smart card applications to enable highly secure user authentication and data transfer.

  • A High-Speed/Low-Power Multiplier using Spurious Power Suppression Technique:

This research aims to filter out the worthless spurious signals of arithmetic units to prevent the transmission of superfluous data that has no bearing on the outcome of the computation. This uses the SPST method on multipliers to transmit data at a fast speed and with little power.

  • A Processor-In-Memory Architecture for Multimedia Compression:

With the help of extremely big instruction words, single instruction, and multiple data principles, this research implements a low-complexity processor-in-memory architecture that enables multimedia applications like video and picture compression.

  • Adiabatic Technique for Power-Efficient Logic Circuit Design:

This study compares adiabatic logic circuit design efficiency to traditional CMOS design efficiency utilizing NAND and NOR circuits.

The network’s power dissipation is reduced by using the adiabatic approach, which may also reuse the energy in the load capacitor.

  • Fixed Angle of Rotation Using CORDIC Designs:

This project’s primary goal is to rotate vectors through fixed, predetermined angles, which are essential for robotics, video games, image processing, and other applications.

This uses a coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC) architecture to rotate a vector via particular angles.

  • Design and Synthesis of QPSK:

This project uses reversible logic gates to construct QPSK modulation, one of the common modulation techniques used in satellite radio applications. VHDL code is used to simulate this modulation approach.

  • Design of Multi-Value Logic Using Quantum Dot Gate FET:

This project creates a circuit model of three-stage quantum dot gate field effect transistors to boost the bit-handling capacity of logic circuits (QDGFETs).

Different combinational circuits, such as comparator and decoder, use this three-step architecture.

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