30+ Best Solar Project Ideas for Final Year College Students

Here is the list of the top 30 Best Solar Based Project Ideas for Engineering Students brought to you by Listyaan. Solar Project Ideas for B-Tech, M-Tech & Ph.D. students.

PROJECT FOR SOLAR POWER. using photovoltaic solar cells to produce power. Make electricity by concentrating solar energy. Heat trapped air to turn turbines in a solar updraft tower, producing power. Due to the four peak sun hours per day that are averaged across the nation, a 5 MW solar plant would produce 6000 MWh annually.

  • Solar Wireless Electric Vehicle Charging System:

Solar panels, batteries, transformers, regulator circuits, copper coils, AC to DC converters, atmega controllers, and LCDs are all used in the system’s construction. The method shows how electric vehicles may be charged while traveling along the road, doing away with the need to pull over.

Through the use of a charge controller, the battery is powered by a solar panel. DC electricity is fed into and stored by the battery. Now that the DC power is ready for transmission, AC conversion is required. Here, we’re using a transformer for this.

  • Weather Imaging CubeSat with Telemetry Transmission:

To build the satellite, the system includes an STM32 controller, a solar panel, a battery for power, a magnetometer, an infrared sensor, a temperature sensor, a camera, and a 2.4 GHz transmitter.

Without an ACDS stabilizer system, a simple Cubesat design is created with a greater emphasis on the collection and transmission of meteorological data. The sensor sends the controller information about orientation.

The orbital temperature is measured using the temperature sensor. An infrared sensor is installed on top to assist in measuring solar infrared radiation and spotting solar waves and blasts.

  • Solar SeaWeather and Pollution Transmitter Buoy:

This plan is created as a little sea weather and marine pollution monitoring station that may send this data to the monitoring station on the seashore. To accomplish this goal, the system makes use of a variety of sensors that are all managed by an STM32 controller.

To receive and show the data from the transmitter, we also design a receiver system. We utilize a solar panel to enable the transmitter unit to produce its power so that it can continue to operate in the sea because it is continually submerged in water and is unable to constantly recharge itself. The onboard battery, which is used to power the electronics, is charged by the solar panel.

  • Variable Head Solar Grass Cutter Weed Trimmer:

The robotic vehicle achieves this process using a set of geared motors with wheels, a metal robotic frame, ultrasonic sensors, controller circuitry, batteries, and a solar panel. The technology employs ultrasonic motors with control electronics to travel across gardens and lawns with ease.

The robotic vehicle has four-gear motors attached to it to provide the necessary torque for navigating gardens and lawns. We attach four substantial rubber wheels to the motor shafts so they won’t get caught in weeds and grass.

  • Solar Panel Cleaning Robot:

By ensuring that the Solar panels are maintained clean while posing no risk to people, our Solar Panel Cleaning Robot seeks to preserve the effectiveness of solar power generation. The roller brush and water sprayer on this robot are designed to remove all dirt and grime from the panels’ surface.

Water is supplied to the sprayer using an onboard tank. This robot can cling to the slippery solar panel surface thanks to the rubber caterpillar tracks. This robot works wirelessly and remotely.

  • Solar Power Bank with Wireless Charging:

The integrated lithium battery pack, solar panel battery protection, wireless charging coils, dc power boosters, and charge controllers make up the smart solar power bank, which offers a feature-rich power bank.

Utilizing charging circuits, the battery pack is charged utilizing the solar panels and charge controllers. The power bank uses LEDs to show the battery’s capacity at any given time. If necessary, an adapter may also be used to charge the power bank directly using AC power.

  • Seatwave Power Generator With Solar:

The sea wave plus solar generator is a one-of-a-kind, distinctive generating device that produces power using two sources of alternative energy. The device has a buoy that floats and moves vertically with the waves of the ocean.

Using a rack and pinion system, the buoy enables the generator motor to transfer sea wave power. Instead of employing a pulley system for effective power transfer, the power provided to this shaft is directly transmitted to the motor.

  • Self-Charging Solar-Powered Drone:

The drone is a quadrotor model, and to give it the necessary lift, it uses 4 high-powered drone motors with propellers. The drone fuselage incorporates solar panels for high-efficiency charging both while it is stationary and when it is in flight, extending flight periods.

A wifi camera included in the drone may be viewed through a wifi connection on an Android smartphone. To accept control orders for the user, it uses an RC remote controller. The drone’s built-in radio-controlled receiver is utilized to receive control orders from the operator and run the drone motors to accomplish the desired flying.

  • Wind & Solar Mobile Charging Station:

The energy produced by both power generators is stored by the system using a battery. The inverter is now used to connect and use this battery power. The device has four wheels for mobility, making it incredibly portable.

It is conveniently usable next to bus stations, gardens, historical sites, zoos, college campuses, business parks, public parking, and more. To stop thieves from robbing or miscreants from harming it, the device is also equipped with an anti-theft mechanism. Using impact sensors, it can tell right away whether someone is trying to harm it or move it without authorization.

  • Floating Sun Tracker Hydraulic Solar Panel:

The device combines a miniature hydraulic power system with sun sensor electronics. Circuitry detects the voltage and power effectiveness at specific locations. The fluid is then moved from one cylinder to another using the hydraulic motor.

The height of the pistons connected to each cylinder changes as the liquid level shifts between the two, changing how the solar panel rotates. In addition to increasing solar panel efficiency, this results in extremely little power consumption needed to control solar panel movement. Reducing evaporation also benefits the environment and conserves water.

  • Solar Outdoor Air Purifier & Air Quality Monitor:

To show the current air quality, the system additionally has an air quality sensor and display. Today, the power source is a solar panel. The battery is charged using energy from the panel, and the battery then powers the motor that drives the suction fan.

The machine has a handle and four castor wheels for convenient moving. This makes the air purifier portable, enabling quick and effective pollution management in public spaces such as playgrounds at schools, parks, and neighborhoods.

  • RF-Controlled Solar Panel-Based Robotic Vehicle:

The movement of this robotic vehicle can be managed remotely utilizing RF technology. Push buttons are used in this method at the transmitting end. The receiver may receive orders with the aid of these push buttons.

These commands, which instruct the robot to move forward, backward, left, or right, among other directions, are used to control the robot’s movement. It performs the needed task using a microcontroller from the Atmega 328 family.

A 360-degree camera that can be utilized for security monitoring and a solar panel to charge the battery are also features of this robot automobile. There is an automatic battery cutoff system on the solar panel. Live streaming from the wireless camera will be available on the Android app.

  • Design and Manufacturing of Solar-Powered Seed Sprayer Machine:

The goal of this project is to design and build a solar-powered seed sprayer. The practice of planting seeds is often done by humans utilizing physical labor. The seed in a hopper is sprayed straight onto the ground in this solar seed sprayer machine project without the need for any physical labor.

Using this method, seeds are spread over the ground throughout the plowing season. The major benefit of utilizing this method is that it decreases both human labor and the time it takes for a seed to reach the ground. This solar-powered agricultural sprayer uses a solar panel to power the fan, negating the need for an extra power source.

  • Dual Axis Solar Tracking System with Weather Sensor:

The project uses a straightforward dual-axis solar tracker system for design and implementation. Solar tracking systems must be incorporated into solar power systems to enhance energy production from the sun.

By following the sun’s rays as they come from different directions coming from a solar panel, a dual-axis tracker can maximize energy. This solar panel has infinite rotational possibilities.

The weather will be sensed by the dual-axis solar tracker project and shown on the LCD. This Arduino-powered system includes a stepper motor, servo motor, rain sensor, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, and LCD.

  • Face Recognition Door Lock System Using Raspberry Pi:

The created facial recognition door lock security system uses less power and is a more dependable independent security device for both intruder detection and door security, and it has been designed to prevent burglary in highly secure environments like the home environment.

The Raspberry Pi circuit provides electricity to this system. The Raspberry Pi electrical board runs on batteries, connects to the internet wirelessly using a USB modem, and has a camera, a PIR motion sensor, and a door.

Every time a person approaches the door, the device detects their face and, if it is registered, unlocks the door; otherwise, it raises an alert, takes a photo, and sends it to the registered phone number.

  • Rotating Solar Inverter Project using Microcontroller 50W:

This device employs solar panels that monitor the sun to assist charge the inverter. In the event of a power outage, an inverter is employed. An electronic device called an inverter converts DC to AC.

Inverter charges when there is electricity present. By continually maintaining the panel surface perpendicular to the sun’s rays, or in other words, by facing the sun, these types of solar panels make sure that the greatest amount of solar energy is caught within the panel.

  • Vertical Axis Wind Turbine With Inverter:

By using a dynamo, this mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy; the power values are shown on an LCD. The 12V battery is charged by the Vertical Axis Windmill, which uses blades to convert wind energy into kinetic energy.

The inverter converts DC to AC as soon as the battery is turned on, and the step-up transformer increases the voltage needed to power the gadget. A MOSFET is a kind of transistor that controls voltage before supplying electricity to the load.

  • Rotating Solar Panel Using Arduino:

The Solar Panel That Rotates The goal of the Arduino project is to use a solar panel installed on a platform that can rotate with the aid of a motor to charge a 12VDC battery. An Arduino Uno Board installed on an Atmega328 microprocessor that is mounted on the PCB controls this motor.

To determine the present position of the sun and, consequently, the location from where the most solar energy may be captured, the rotating solar panel system scans from one horizon to the next. The Battery is charged in the position with the greatest energy capacity.

  • Solar Panel With Sun Position Tracking:

The project’s design tries to monitor the sun to maximize the amount of sunlight that strikes the solar panel at any time of day. The project is helpful on overcast days. For the system to continue tracking the sun and move by the amount of sunlight received, a solar panel and stepping motor are required.

A stepper motor connected to a microcontroller from the 8051 series regularly generates stepped pulses to spin the panel. An IC used for the interface provides electricity to the motor.

  • Irrigation System running on Solar Power:

The irrigation pump in the autonomous irrigation system is powered by solar energy. Monitoring the soil’s water level and manually controlling the irrigation system get tiresome. Consequently, the technology substitutes solar power for conventional energy by employing photovoltaic cells.

An op-amp IC that serves as a comparator and measures the soil moisture level is necessary for the project. Two copper wires are placed into the soil at a specific depth to gauge the soil’s moisture content.

The sensors transmit data to the microcontroller, which interfaces with the relay driver IC to activate the relay and cause the pump motor to turn ON or OFF. An LCD screen displays the pump status.

  • System To Measure Solar Power:

The proposed project employs numerous sensor data gathering to monitor various solar cell properties, such as light intensity, voltage, current, and temperature. The project makes use of a microcontroller from the 8051 series and a solar panel to track sunshine.

A voltage divider to measure voltage, an LDR sensor to detect light intensity, and a temperature sensor to monitor temperature are all needed for the project. The microcontroller then shows these measurements on an LCD panel. As a result, this technology enables users to efficiently monitor solar parameters.

  • Controlling Solar Energy Charge:

The concept provides for a solar-powered battery charging mechanism. Solar energy is turned into electrical energy with the aid of a solar panel using photovoltaic cells. The technique works well for storing energy for usage at night.

Even the charging process, including whether the battery is overcharged or undercharged, is controlled by the project. It calls for a group of op-amps to continuously track variables like panel voltage, load current, etc. A green LED illuminates when the battery is completely charged, and a red LED shines when the battery is either overcharged or undercharged.

  • Smart Solar Grass Cutter With Lawn Coverage:

The device includes clever functionality that enables it to completely cover a lawn or garden by employing an ultrasonic sensor to identify corners and moving in a zigzag pattern to cover the whole area.

This effective method accomplishes this capability using a microcontroller-based circuit. It runs on two batteries and is a battery-operated system. The grass cutter motor is powered by one battery, while the DC motors that propel the vehicle are powered by the other.

Additionally, the technique shows how to charge a vehicle movement battery using a solar panel. The microprocessor monitors the ultrasonic sensors while also controlling the dc motors that move the vehicle and the lawn trimmer.

  • Dual Power Generation Solar Plus Windmill Generator:

The Atmega328 microprocessor, on which the system is built, cleverly detects and charges the battery while showing the voltage on the LCD. The windmill can provide enough electricity to charge a battery when there is sufficient wind to propel it.

Similar to this, the solar panel, which is fixed to a revolving panel and adjusts for maximum exposure to the sun, may provide energy sufficient to recharge the battery. Both of them can charge the battery more quickly than they could separately since they can both work in ideal outside circumstances simultaneously.

Thus, this project serves as an illustration of how natural resources may be effectively used to create power more quickly and cheaply.

  • Solar UPS Project:

This project is a solar-powered UPS that uses solar energy to charge a battery before using the DC battery and an inverter to power an AC load. Using charge controller circuitry, our solar panel continuously charges the 12V DC battery. And as soon as the load switch is activated, the battery charge is reversed and increased from 12 V DC to around 140–150 V AC.

The AC load is now given thus. As a result, our system uses a solar panel and battery to successfully power an AC load. The system can function as an independent system without the requirement for any external electricity source and may be utilized as a UPS in the event of an emergency power loss or cutoff.

  • Bluetooth Speaker Design using Solar:

The goal of this project is to develop a self-sufficient system that can convey audio data from a phone or other device. It makes it possible for Bluetooth technology to be inexpensively and immediately integrated into small-scale projects while yet being fully functional and expandable.

  • Stereo Cooler Charged by Solar:

This unit’s design is quite adaptable, so you may choose a feature or build on it to suit your unique demands. Utilize discarded materials like old vehicle audio parts, scrap wood, and extra wiring that you might have sitting around when building it.

I’ve discovered that you can utilize this solar power for a variety of devices by taking a cue from many “vehicle accessories” that are 12V DC powered, or even by using a tiny inverter for AC loads.

  • Scare mosquitos using Solar:

This solar-powered gadget gets rid of mosquito larvae in marshes and other stagnant water areas. Due to the system, mosquitoes may deposit their eggs at dawn and dusk, while throughout the day, the sporadic ripples prevent larvae from breathing at the surface.

Additionally, an integrated microphone records the wing-beat frequencies of mosquitoes that are drawn to standing water naturally, which aids in determining the species and sex of the insect. We will get a real-time estimate of the number of hazardous mosquitoes by installing a network of these linked devices among at-risk communities.

  • USB Charger based on Solar:

A solar-powered USB charger is created in this project. A battery in this charger is charged by a solar panel; the battery then powers a USB connector, which may be used to charge a smartphone, iPod, or tablet.

The battery only delivers roughly 3.7 V, which is insufficient for USB charges, thus a tiny converter is required for the circuit to obtain the 5 V output.

  • Charger Circuit for Solar Window:

In comparison to other charger kinds, solar window chargers provide several advantages. With the solar panel facing out, this DIY solar window charger may be attached to the inside of a glass window.

Using the appropriate connection, the output can be connected to any USB-chargeable portable device. A fascinating multifunctional light source is embedded within the charger itself, which also includes a lithium-ion battery inside to provide an uninterrupted and clean dc supply output!

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